Our Next Speaker - Horizontal Logo
A light-hearted documentary series about the high school Speech & Debate community based around Portland, Oregon.
Our Next Speaker - Main Logo
A light-hearted documentary series about the high school Speech & Debate community based around Portland, Oregon.
Our Next Speaker - Main LogoOur Next Speaker - Horizontal Logo
A light-hearted documentary series about the high school Speech & Debate community based around Portland, Oregon.
Our Next Speaker - Horizontal Logo
A light-hearted documentary series about the high school Speech & Debate community based around Portland, Oregon.
Our Next Speaker - Main Logo
A light-hearted documentary series about the high school Speech & Debate community based around Portland, Oregon.
Our Next Speaker - Horizontal LogoOur Next Speaker - Main Logo
Our Next Speaker - Horizontal Logo
Speech & Debate is often in the shadows of other school activities. It's perpetually at risk of being cut from school budgets. Most people have no idea what it truly is. This series not only sheds light on the activity itself, it reveals a community in which kids are encouraged to express themselves.

Mission Statement

We aim to celebrate Speech & Debate. A High School Speech & Debate tournament is an event full of youthful energy, creativity, competitive fervor and spontaneous outbursts of joy. Our mission is to share that joy with the viewer.

The Story

A debate team member cheering
On a Speech and Debate team, you’ll hear all kinds of voices. It’s not just for the outspoken. It’s for the squeaky wheels, the rusty whispers, the mumblers and the meek. It’s for the fast talkers, the non-stoppers, and those who can’t open their mouths without a joke tumbling off, off, and away.
On this team, they’ll grow comfortable with their own voices. They’ll learn to project, to speak from the heart, and to make themselves known all the way in the back of the room. Because Speech and Debate is for anyone who’s willing to fight for their opportunity to be heard.
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Over the course of one competitive season, we'll meet several teams from across the Portland area as they fight for the State Championships.
From Cleveland High School we'll meet the Cleveland Cannibals—the favorites to take it all…
and their coach, a local legend who's been coaching since the 80's...
Coach Gonzo
We'll meet the team from Clackamas High School, who will give the Cannibals a run for their money…
Coached by Oregon Speech and Debate alumni Ameena Amdahl-Mason.
We'll meet the policy debaters from Franklin High School...
Frankie & Luke
Coached by Portland Urban Debate League Executive Director Mallory Copeland.
Lecturns logo - section break
Our Next Speaker was originally conceived as a documentary film, but after meeting just a handful of the kids, judges, and coaches, it became evident that a feature wouldn’t give us a chance to catch more than a glimpse into this fascinating world. Our Next Speaker will be broken into four episodes:
Episode One: Intro to speech & debate
We’re introduced to the offbeat and exciting world of High School Speech & Debate. Patrick “Gonzo” Gonzales, a long-standing figure of the Oregon Speech & Debate community, acts as our guide to the activity. Each event is explained with mid-century modern inspired animated segments.
We visit our first tournament, hosted in the fall.

Hallway writing duo
Episode Two: Cannibals & Cavaliers
We’ll spend some time with the kids who call Speech & Debate home. Each competitor has their own unique story to tell. We hang out with a few of the kids and get to know them—what they do for fun and what they care about.
We visit our second tournament, a holiday-themed winter event.

Tired student sleeping at event
Episode Three: Policy & The PUDL
Policy Debate is its own animal. It’s fast, intense, and not for the soft-spoken.
We’re introduced to The Portland Urban Debate League. From their website: PUDL empowers students through competitive policy debate to become engaged learners and critical thinkers who are effective advocates for themselves and their community
We attend our third tournament—a policy debate focused, Tournament of Champions qualifying event.
Hallway duo back to back
Episode Four: Rebuttals & Reverberations
The impacts of participating in Speech & Debate last for a lifetime. In this episode, we hear from alumni of the activity, as they tell us of the resounding positive effects competing in Speech & Debate had on their lives.
The season concludes. It’s been a long and arduous year, but our featured speakers are now in their best shape. Their speeches are polished and perfected. It’s time to see who’s the best.
We’re there for all the action at the District and National qualifiers, as well as the biggest tournament of the year, the State Championship.
Award medals laid on a table
Our Next Speaker Logo on dark
We plan on bringing parts of Our Next Speaker to life with vibrant, UPA-inspired animation. Ben Burch, our Art Director and Lead Animator has done a marvelous job of injecting the series with movement and color. You can see a sample in the pitch video, but we’ve also put some character art below. Take a look!
Gonzo and Dino character designs for animated segment
Why Speech & Debate?
Ultimately, this series amplifies the message of the Speech & Debate community: that everyone's voice deserves to be heard. Speech & Debate is uniquely a "no cut" sport. Everyone can participate; everyone can compete. Any Speech kid could easily tell you why this activity is important to them. It's not at flashy as sports, not as recognizable as the winter musical, but Speech & Debate fosters confidence, spontaneity, self-discovery, individual expression, grace under pressure, and so many other skills that life requires.
Why you?
Director and the Creator of Our Next Speaker, Dino Coons, participated on the Speech & Debate team for Clackamas High School, located outside of Portland, Oregon. He’s quick to brag about his success (two-time State Champ, baby!) but is also eager to credit his time on the team as having an outsized impact on the man he became.
Dino has spent the last 15+ years working in the film & TV industry, primarily in the worlds of documentary and animation. He feels that the experience he’s gained since leaving the Speech & Debate team has provided him with a unique combination of skills and perspective to tell this story.
Director and Executive Producer Dino Coons with the Clackamas High School Speech & Debate team - 1997
Director and Executive Producer Dino Coons with the Clackamas High School Speech & Debate team - 1997
Wgy now?
Covid happened. Some of the kids currently participating in Speech & Debate had to do tournaments entirely online. They gave speeches to webcams, not people. Now, by contrast, they’re back to getting up early on a Saturday and spending the day hanging out with their best friends, meeting new people and being immersed in an environment of friendly competition.
We hope that this series inspires a new generation of young people to discover their unique voices and find new ways to raise them up and change the world. Speech & Debate not only endows them with skills and confidence they’ll carry with them into the future, but it platforms them to talk about issues that matter. These are the leaders of tomorrow. It has to be now.
Our fiscal sponsor
The Portland Art Museum - Center for an Untold Tomorrow (PAM CUT) is acting as our Fiscal Sponsor. That means that all donations to the project, including those made through this crowdfunding campaign, are completely tax deductible!!!
Check out the link below if you'd like to know more about PAM CUT and their amazing programs!
Why Should I give you money?
Let’s be candid here. Our goal, $25,000, is less than a tenth of our total budget. If we reach this goal, we will still need to look to other sources for financing, such as private investors. We decided to look to the community for support first because we believe strongly in this community.
We know that the interest is there. Everyone within the Speech & Debate world that we’ve spoken to about the documentary has lit up with excitement at the chance to be involved. They don’t see their story being told anywhere, and with your support, we can help bring their voices to life.

What are you spending the money on?
Coffee, mainly. In addition to caffeine, the crew needs to eat, sleep occasionally, and pay their rents. Funding for Our Next Speaker allows the crew to remain focused on the documentary, and not on finding other ways to fill the fridge.
Our Next Speaker Logo on dark

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